You’ll Never Find Me Directors Indianna Bell and Josiah Allen Talk About Sonic Landscapes and Tangible Tension in This Interview

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On this episode, I talk with co-directors Indianna Bell and Josiah Allen about their first feature film, You’ll Never Find Me. Building on their impressive short film work with Call Connect. and The Recordist, You’ll Never Find Me sees a visitor, played by Jordan Cowan, who knocks on the door of Patrick, played by Brendan Rock. She’s lost and it’s pouring outside, and in the middle of nowhere, his caravan is the only source of sanctuary that she could find. Or is it?

What follows is a twisting, turning character piece where two figures push and probe each other trying to figure out just who the other is. It’s a double-hander that plays a lot like a card game, with bluffing, truth revealing, and ultimate tension playing out.

I’ve long been a fan of what both Indianna and Josiah have managed to do with their filmmaking brilliance in South Australia. Call Connect. is a short film that easily stands as one of the most riveting and powerful shorts I’ve seen, and The Recordist is no different. The two have crafted a visual style with their work that is equally amplified by sound design that creates an immersive sonic landscape that supports Indianna’s scripts. If there is a future of independent filmmaking in Australia to keep an eye out for, then it’s in the heart of Adelaide with Indi and Josiah’s work.

You’ll Never Find Me launches at the Melbourne International Film Festival on August 16, with a second screening on the 19th. Head over to for futher details.

Andrew F Peirce

Andrew is passionate about Australian film and culture. He is the co-chair of the Australian Film Critics Association, a Golden Globes voter, and the author of two books on Australian film, The Australian Film Yearbook - 2021 Edition, and Lonely Spirits and the King. You can find him online trying to enlist people into the cult of Mac and Me.

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