April’s Australian Revelations Screening is Proof

After kicking off the 2019 Australian Revelations screenings with The Pretend One, Perth’s Revelation Film Festival is bringing another heavy hitter for April’s screening:

Jocelyn Moorhouse’s Proof.

Widely considered one of the finest Australian films ever made, Proof has Hugo Weaving playing Martin, a blind photographer who forges a relationship with Russell Crowe’s Andy. Both Weaving and Crowe deliver some of the finest performances of their careers in this essential film. The film was recently remastered and preserved by the NFSA after a crowdfunding campaign by Margaret Pomeranz.

The Australian Revelations screening of Proof takes place on April 29th at The Backlot Theatre in West Perth. Pick up your tickets here, and get them early as this one will definitely sell out.

Andrew F Peirce

Andrew is passionate about Australian cinema, Australian politics, Australian culture, and Australia in general. Found regularly talking online about Sweet Country, and reminding people to watch Young Adult.

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