Best Shots of 2021

The Best Shots of 2021 – A Video by Christopher John

WARNING: this video does contain depictions of violence and severe illness that some viewers may find distressing.

Finally completed.

Full honesty: I got a full time job in the last 3 months of 2021 and found time rather short. Gave myself some leniency, allowed time to be a tool, and found a more crafted version of this kind of video. This is once again a labour of love, celebrating a fascinating year for film and a marvellous one for cinematography.

You might find that some of your favourites of the year could be missing. I did not exclude them maliciously, their absence only representing the efforts of editing. Some things just get lost. For example, I have very limited footage for SPIDER-MAN: NO WAY HOME and WEST SIDE STORY. Don’t hate me for not having THAT shot you might be thinking of.

Enjoy and have a good year!

Christopher John

Christopher John is an emerging flim critic based in Perth and primarily writes for The Curb. He is a double-degree graduate of Edith Cowan University in Communications and Arts, and creates various flim reviews and video essays on his YouTube channel "Christopher John". Christopher has published online work with ECU's Dircksey magazine, Taste of Cinema, Pelican Magazine and Heroic Hollywood. His first love in flim is Star Wars, his newest love is Akira Kurosawa, and hopes his future love will be Tarkovsky and Studio Ghibli (he's getting to it).

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