Flood the City – Extinction Rebellion WA: #xrfacesofrebellion Photo Art Project

As part of protest and disruption actions taking place this week for Flood The City, Extinction Rebellion WA are releasing a body of photography work known as: 

Faces Of Rebellion.

Produced by Extinction Rebellion, photographed by Matsu Photography and shot on location at Johnny Ma Studios, these series of 76 portraits represent the faces of people willing to take part in Rebellion for the sake of demanding meaningful climate action.

The people in these photos are Fathers. Mothers. Grandparents. People with full time jobs. People with families. Kids in need of answers. Kids demanding action. They are people who have never even considered taking part in protest actions but are willing to now. They are people who understand and support the actions of climate protesters in the wake of recent global climate marches.

They are people willing to fight if their governments continue to abate their responsibilities in dealing with climate change.

They are not the fringe.

They are not radicals.

They are not terrorists.

They are Australian.

They are us.

These are the Faces of Extinction.

These are the Faces of Rebellion.

You can find the full album of photos here: http://tiny.cc/hq62dz

Find out more about Extinction Rebellion Australia here.

Join the Perth Flood the City event here.

Read about why Australians are disrupting the country for climate change action here and why Extinction Rebellion is forcing the world to change here.

Keep track of climate change protests happening around Australia here.

Andrew F Peirce

Andrew is passionate about Australian film and culture. He is the co-chair of the Australian Film Critics Association, a Golden Globes voter, and the author of two books on Australian film, The Australian Film Yearbook - 2021 Edition, and Lonely Spirits and the King. You can find him online trying to enlist people into the cult of Mac and Me.

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