H is for Happiness Interview with Director John Sheedy and Star Daisy Axon

If you’ve been following the site for a bit, you’ll have noticed I’m a fairly major fan of the new Aussie film, H is for Happiness. I adore it completely, and was fortunate enough to chat with director John Sheedy and star Daisy Axon about their work on the film. I also had a chat with writer Lisa Hoppe about her work adapting the film, which you can read here.

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Andrew F Peirce

Andrew is passionate about Australian film and culture. He is the co-chair of the Australian Film Critics Association, a Golden Globes voter, and the author of two books on Australian film, The Australian Film Yearbook - 2021 Edition, and Lonely Spirits and the King. You can find him online trying to enlist people into the cult of Mac and Me.

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