Fantastic Film Festival Australia (FFFA) 2024 presents an eclectic program of 24 feature length films as well as a program...
The year is 2041, the Earth has exhausted its resources and nations are looking into space colonisation. Twin brothers Lazaro...
PRESS RELEASE Daring, unconventional, and cutting-edge cinema is returning to Melbourne and Sydney with the highly anticipated return of the Fantastic Film Festival Australia (FFFA). Running...
There is black comedy, there is pitch-black comedy, and then there is Caye Casas’ The Coffee Table (La mesita del...
Directed by Geoff Marslett and co-written by Howe Gelb (who also features as an actor and provides the music for...
From naked screenings, cosmic queer sci-fi, gothic horror scares and razor-sharp satires, the Fantastic Film Festival Australia returns to Sydney (Ritz Cinema, Randwick) and Melbourne (Lido...