Written and directed by Fede Álvarez, Alien: Romulus stars Cailee Spaeny as Rain, an orphaned young woman trapped on a...
Disney’s Haunted Mansion is the third film (after 2003 Eddie Murphy-starrer and a 2021 Muppets variation) to be based on...
The phenomenal success of Pixar studios has meant that audiences view it as a benchmark for family themed animation. It...
Disney live action remakes are curious beasts. They tend to fall into two categories – remakes of the beloved animations...
In 1940 Disney made one of its gold-standard animations in the form of a loose adaptation of Carlo Collodi’s moral...
Inside Out 2 has no space to be what it is – an acceptable Pixar film which expends most of...
It is a truth universally acknowledged that Indiana Jones movies are best when they feature the titular hero punching Nazis....
If you thought that five Disney remakes released four years ago would be all that the biggest entertainment company in...
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Disney are well known as being one of the premiere entertainment companies that have a mammoth library of family-friendly musicals,...