Touch is a futuristic short film set ‘five minutes in the future’ which tells the story of Esme (Rebecca Leafe),...
The Curb is proudly part of the Auscast Network. Subscribe via RSS feed, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, iHeart Radio or Google...
Jayden Rathsam Hüa’s Sushi Noh is a gloriously grotesque horror film about a young girl (Geneva Phan) who is trapped...
As far as indie filmmakers go, Chris Elena’s philosophy melds past and present in both form and content. He shoots...
Indie filmmaker Alex von Hofmann wanted to make an Aussie dino flick, and with his impressive genre short Evie, he...
PRESS RELEASE Short film ‘EVIE’ has its online premiere on the selective Youtube channel OMELETO, home of the worlds best...
Filmmaker Andréas Giannopoulos’ short film Friends Of Mine won him the prestigious award of Best Direction in a Student Film...
Filmmaker Lachlan Pendragon’s animated short An Ostrich Told Me the World is Fake and I Think I Believe It is...
Save Me, now in pre-production and crowdfunding on Kickstarter, brings together a core female creative team of director Kirsty Hamilton...
Perth-based filmmaker David Vincent-Smith knows what kind of filmmaker he wants to be. He knows the path that he needs...