Dead Centre is a three part comedy drama web series set in the South Australian outback. The series was filmed...
Ever since The Curb launched, we’ve celebrated Australian films with the annual AUSgust film month – a month dedicated to...
With a few months still left to go in 2019, and with those months, a wealth of Australian films yet...
In 2004, Australian animator Adam Elliot won the Academy Award for Best Animated Short Film for his 2003 clay-animation film...
Powered by JustWatch It’s been forty years since the brainchild of director George Miller burst onto cinema screens, with a...
Welcome to the fourth anniversary of AUSgust: the month dedicated to celebrating all things Australian cinema! We here at The...
The two very best comedies in the history of Australian cinema are The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert...
Post-apocalyptic cinema has been explored through, what feels like, almost every facet of reasoning for why the world might suddenly...
Creature features have made something of a comeback in recent years, whether it be the surprisingly solid alligator tale Crawl,...
If you stand over a certain grate on a fairly innocuous concrete island in Times Square, New York City, you’ll...