The life of gyrating music phenomenon, Elvis Presley, is captured with ornate flair in Baz Luhrmann’s showy epic, Elvis. The...
Undertow is an extraordinary piece of slice-of-life cinema that investigates the lengths people will go to deal with trauma and...
Olivia DeJonge is one of the most exciting actors to emerge out of Australia in recent years. With performances in...
For a while now M. Night Shyamalan has been considered a relative joke of a director. After Earth and Avatar: The Last Airbender were
expensive failures. The Happening is one of the best worst films out there. Yet, something happened with Shyamalan adding 'producer' to his foray with the watchable Devil - a film that feels like it could have been a Shyamalan film all along. The hokiness of The Happening is
wholeheartedly embraced with his latest outing, The Visit.