The saga of getting The Flash to screens is enough to be a movie in itself. Going through several writers...
Powered by JustWatch Ben Affleck, director. That’s the sentence that should have been repeated for many years now since his...
Powered by JustWatch Help keep The Curb independent by joining our Patreon. Let’s wade into these waters and begin with...
Justice League is a film jam packed full of messy, team driven fun. It’s character focused, it’s entertaining, it’s bright...
Powered by JustWatch Through all the successes of the Chicago Bulls during the 90s, Michael Jordan was at the top...
Powered by JustWatch Help keep The Curb independent by joining our Patreon. It should always be acceptable to write reviews...
When you have the likes of Oscar Isaac, Ben Affleck, Garret Hedlund, Charlie Hunnam, and Pedro Pascal headlining a film...