Italian crime drama Like Sheep Among Wolves (Come pecore in mezzo ai lupi) directed by Lyda Patitucci is a sleek...
Powered by JustWatch In 1999, Heath Ledger arrived on cinemas screens as a fully formed film star with a one-two...
Powered by JustWatch Help keep The Curb independent by joining our Patreon. Animal Kingdom written by David Michôd (2010) A...
Lorene Scafaria’s Hustlers is a refreshing revitalisation of the crime genre. Driven by two great central performances from Constance Wu...
Powered by JustWatch Help keep The Curb independent by joining our Patreon. On January 6th 2021, Jacob Angeli partook in an act...
Powered by JustWatch Australian culture can’t help but make icons and heroes out of some of the most notorious criminals....
Two decades ago, the earth had a pretty decent sci-fi crime thriller in the form of Dennis Quaid and Jim...
A year ago we kicked off the first annual celebration of Australian films – AUSgust. A whole month dedicated to...