In Jules Rosskam’s Desire Lines, an audacious odyssey unfurls, fearlessly venturing into uncharted territories. Seamlessly blending an array of artistic...
PRESS RELEASE Following rave reviews and sold out screenings at its Sydney Film Festival (SFF) world premiere; ‘Sunflower’ is set...
In the space of two years Macedonian-Australian director Goran Stolevski has emerged as a cinematic talent who can vividly craft...
Writer/Director Craig Boreham is one of the leading filmmakers working in Australian queer cinema right now. His 2016 film Teenage...
Powered by JustWatch A bittersweet film, End of the Century tells of a reunion and the attempt to find the...
PRESS RELEASE Queer Screen Film Fest is coming in hot this winter with almost 40 of the best and freshest...
It’s 1988 and Newcastle P.E. teacher Jean Newman (Rosy McEwen) is surrounded by noise. A naturally rather tense woman who...
Lukas Dhont’s second feature Close has been shortlisted as a Best International Film competitor at the 2023 Academy Awards. It...
This year’s Mardi Gras Film Festival is a wonderful sampling of the many ways queer film has evolved and diversified...
The first feature film from director Samuel Van Grinsven pulls no punches in identifying that it is a homosexual film....