Production on romantic feature film This Little Love of Mine has kicked off this week in Cairns, Far North Queensland. The filmsees...
Ocean to Sky is a feature length documentary that recounts the experiences of New Zealand’s Edmund Hillary and his friends...
Each year the Melbourne Documentary Film Festival rolls around, a new slate of top tier documentaries rolls into my view,...
Way back when, there was a book store in North Perth that, upon entry, felt like collapsing into a world...
Everyone has a memorable first. First kisses, first loves, first movies, the list goes on. For me, the first film...
Small Island Big Song – An Oceanic Songline is a collaborative film, made over 16 Island nations from the Pacific...
Oh this film, Keyboard Fantasies: The Beverly Glenn-Copeland Story is a delight. A wonderful gem of a film about musician...
Depictions of people with disabilities in films are often troubled with a predilection for filmmakers to craft their stories in...
Ah! The Melbourne Documentary Film Festival always brings wonderful films to my inbox, with delights like Leaving Allen Street for...
Trigger warning: this article contains descriptions of domestic violence and assault. Work hard, dance in your downtime, treat others like...